I don’t really share my creative work with people. At least I never really have. I always used to think that to share work, it had to be good enough to sell.

And then I got really into creative writing right at the advent of generative AI.

I don’t think I’m ever going to be able to make serious money from my projects. In a way, that’s a bit of a bummer. But in another way, it is so freeing. I don’t have to worry about writing for other people. I have the luxury of enjoying a hobby without any pressure.

But I still want to share my work. So it’s going to be available for free. Of course, if you like my work, I won’t turn down contributions. You’re always welcome to buy me a coffee to help me keep the lights on for this project.

Without further ado, I introduce the first two writing projects I’ll be publishing.

Fragments and Ashes

Fragments and Ashes Cover Image

Fragments and Ashes is an ongoing collection of my poetry. It’s pretty damn mediocre. I don’t care. I’m publishing it for free.

A significant theme throughout this work is going to be the question “Am I good enough?” I’m writing these poems to help myself process trauma I’ve experienced throughout my life, and I hope they can find meaning for you, too.

Read Fragments and Ashes Now

A City in Heaven

A City in Heaven Cover Image

I’m really excited about this one. I’ve been working on a novel, and I’ve decided to release it for free as a serial novel. I’m in the late proofreading stages for Part 1, which I will be releasing this summer. I’ll be posting a release schedule later this week.

In the novel, 17-year-old Ben Reuben tells his grueling story of life in an abusive home in rural Texas. When his father hires an undocumented immigrant to help him on the farm, all hell breaks loose. Join Ben in his story of survival, hopelessness, and perseverance in this exciting drama.

Read A City in Heaven Now

Discussing these Projects

I would love to discuss these projects with you. If you enjoy them, have suggestions for directions the work might go in the future, or have constructive criticism, I am interested in hearing from you. Here’s how you can get in touch:

Mastodon: mastodon.social/@mossbiscuits

Matrix Chat: @landon:utwente.io

Email me: click to reveal email

Contact Policy: As a rule, I try to respond to all genuine messages within a day or two. I absolutely do not tolerate spam, abuse, hate, or NSFW messages (besides swearing, feel free to spice up your message with some swears if you want). I take this policy seriously and block users and take legal action where appropriate.