Why Open Source?

I could spend a lifetime talking about the merits of open source software. But in short, tools like these benefit greatly from community engagement. When someone wants a program to have a feature, the community can work together to implement the feature in a transparent way. In my experience, open source tools have a tendency toward better usability, accesibility, and personalizability.

Zotero: My Research Manager

I’m an academic researcher, and keeping track of hundreds of papers and articles for a project would be nearly impossible. I have opted to support the development of Zotero by using their cloud storage to access my library on any device, including from my browser. It’s so simple to create a collection of research, and plugins like Better BibTeX offer extended flexibility.

Read more at zotero.org

Overleaf: My LaTeX Composer

I love writing documents in LaTeX. I often write huge, long-form articles and even books, and LaTeX makes it possible to format, organize, and compile my work in a way no word processor could. I use a premium subscription to support the Overleaf open source project, which lets me edit files offline using Git. My favorite part of Overleaf is the linking functionality with Zotero. Overleaf allows you to import your Zotero library, so it’s simple to include citations in my work. Overleaf offers academic discounts.

Read more at overleaf.com

Joplin: My Note App

Joplin is an incredible decentralized Markdown note-taking app. It is designed to be decentralized, but I have chosen to use the Joplin Cloud service due to its keenness on good privacy practices. I use Joplin on all my devices, and it can be customized to meet the needs of almost any user. Joplin Cloud offers academic discounts.

Read more at joplinapp.org

Bitwarden: My Password Manager

I adore Bitwarden. It’s a great, cheap, open source password manager that’s simple to set up and use.

Read more at bitwarden.com


While I personally use and enjoy all of these services, users should conduct their own research to determine the best course of action for themselves. I have not received any compensation from, nor am I affiliated with, any of the organizations I promote.